Julie Robiolle
Julie Robiolle has studied Curating and Cultural Studies at the CCC Master program (HEAD Genève, CH). Her domains of interest include biodynamic and bodily processes of archival, and the impact of botanical history on the urban social fabric. She is the founder and co-editor of Playground Platform, an online magazine fostering non-academic forms of knowledges around the topic of minor resistance.
Connected Material
An Archive of Escape Fantasies
Jasmin Assadsolimani
Zhiwan Cheung
Valeria D’Ambrosio
Viola Hildebrand-Schat
Larissa Longano de Barcellos
Tapan Pandit
Julie Robiolle
Paul Wiersbinski
This collective visualisation represents the outcome of our workshop. It represents our attempt to create our own archive on escape fantasies, inspired through theory and practice of the workshop sessions, which featured several interview with local Berlin artists and curators.